Thursday, April 16, 2015

#TBT // Las Fallas part 2



  So last time I shared about what Fallas is and what it consists of. Today I just wanted to talk about more details on the event that I went to and how I liked or disliked them. First thing I want to talk about is the light show. I shared a photo of the lights in my last post. The light tunnels were just on street over from my house so I could here the light show every night while I would be working or cleaning. I loved it. Probably because I am a huge Disney nerd, there was something about the lights that was so magical to me. Another thing that was my favorite was watching the Fallas be built through out the week. As you can see from the photos these statutes are as big as the buildings, they take days and days to put together, it really is so amazing all the work that is put into this festival.
     Food. Let's talk food. Who doesn't love it, my mouth is watering just thinking of all the wonderful food venders there were. I had a baked potato, sausage sandwich, cotton candy, mojitos, candy, churros, bunuelos and more churros. Carnaval/street is my weakness. I don't really need to say anything more on this subject. If you are a human being then you will know the wonders of street food aka poison.
      The last night is called La Crema. This is the night that all of the Fallas (giant statues) are burned to the ground. This night was amazing and disappointing wrapped in one. Pro: Paper states as tall as buildings are burned to the ground in front of you, whats not amazing about that? They stuff fireworks through out the Falla and just light it up while fire fighters hose down the buildings. Is this safe? No. Do we care? No. They have been lighting giant paper statutes for nearly 100 years, surely they no what they are doing. Right? If you ever want to come to Valencia, I highly suggest coming during Fallas, this is the most unique experience I have probably every had. Con: As far as festivals go, everyone knows that the last night is suppose to go out with a bang! Not in Valencia. I saved up all my weeks energy for the last night, thinking that this would be the night to go big. Unfortunately for me this was not the case. The night before the last night is the night you go big, but on La Crema  everyone goes to watch the babies burn and then everyone goes home.
      Las Fallas to me was so magical. I was to proud to call this home. I felt like I was showing off my city to the world. As if I built the festival myself. Many locals hate Fallas for all the chaos it brings, for me I loved the chaos. See you next year Las Fallas.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

#TBT // Las Fallas Part 1



Las Fallas, where do I even begin? I have lots to say and lots of pictures share, so I thought I would split this into two posts... because.... why not?. I thought for today I would just share more about what this holiday is about and all the different ways it is celebrated.
First let's start by sharing what Las Fallas is celebrating. Found this website that I though explains it perfectly and simply. To sum up the history: When spring was arriving and the days were getting longer, there was no need for the carpenters to use lamps. They would gather shavings from there shop and wood from around the neighborhood and place it around the lamp and burn it to celebrate Spring.

Now it has turned into a HUGE festival. (If you follow me on instagram you would have seen lots of photos from the craziness.)

Las Fallas includes but is not limited to:
Light shows
Carnival food
streets shutting down to car traffic
marching bands
more drinking
more eating
more fireworks
traditional dresses
millions of people from around the world
more parades
more music
.................................................................................. So, do you get the picture? The best way to describe it is that it is like Disneyland on drugs. :] There were somethings I didn't enjoy, but for the most part I really loved it. I will share more of my personal experiences next week but for now I thought I'd share the basics and give you an idea of the madness. It was so beautiful. Two main things I learned about Spain; they love to party and the love beautiful things. Two things I am totally in support of. Happy Thursday.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


5 shocking facts about my new culture: 
1. I have not driven a car in over 7 months.
2. I eat at least two croissants a week. 
3. I use coins more than bills.
4. People have to speak to me like a 5 year old so I can understand them. 
5. I get to see the sunset every day from my apartment. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

6 months!!

I wrote this post about a month ago. I'm finally getting around to posting it. Even though we have now been here for 7 months. 7 months! Wow...... Well here's to 6 months! I wanted to share a quick overview on our time here so far. With out further ado, let's get started. 

Was full of excitement and fear. John was in Madrid for two weeks while I was looking for an apartment. John and I were both just getting to know our team mates and trying our best to get settled. We lived with our teammate Amy for the 1st five weeks of us being here. Besides trying to figure out logistical things, we were spending the other bit of our time getting to know our city, playing tourist. 

Oct: By the end of Sept I made a friend called Marian she owns a coffee shop here in our neighborhood. We quickly became friends and she invited me to host a Halloween party for kids. John was now working part-time as an English teacher and we both barely started learning Spanish. I was still nervous to do anything on my own at this time. Besides the kids Halloween party we were both still trying to figure out logistical things and learn our new language as well as still playing tourist. 

November: Our team threw a Thanksgiving party with 28 Spanish Speakers! While writing this I can’t help but smile at the hand of God. Remembering that only 3.5 months after we arrived in Spain our team was able to invite 30 people to a Thanksgiving celebration. How awesome is that? At this point we as a team were also working on team story telling and conflict resolution. Working on foundational stuff so that in the future we won’t fall apart. 

Dec: December was very busy, we celebrated advent together and met together for a “service” on sundays. Although we invited some people to join only our team participated. Besides working together to celebrate advent December passed quickly once the holidays came. John and I spent our Christmas Holiday in Northern Ireland with our family. My brother got to visit too which was so great for me to show him a part of my life that he had'nt experienced before. 

Jan: A new year! We arrived back from Northern Ireland on the 8th. This is where living here started to become more challenging for me. I entered the stage in culture shock called "Hostility". I felt depressed and anxious about small things like going to the store. I missed home terribly (both Memphis and Cali.) and learning Spanish was becoming very frustrating. Thoughts like “what’s the point?” often fled my thoughts. 

Feb: Was also hard. Still struggling with most of the same struggles as I did in January but towards the end of Feb I started to take action. I sought out some professional help on transition and we also had a lovely woman called Karen come and stay with us. Karen lives in Poland and works with CA. She walked us through some culture shock and transitional things that were really helpful. Her stay helped me shift some of my attitude in a new direction. 

March: And here we are today. Life is still hard here but I’m ok with that. I am learning to be more vulnerable with my team mates and with John. I am also starting to see more vision arising and that gives me hope. We just came back from a work retreat with our teammates. We worked on things like sharing research we had done on our neighborhood, finalized our team values and signed a covenant and started the process of mapping out our neighborhood. All of this stuff brings me so much excitement for what the next 6 months have to offer. 

Sometimes I wake up and still can’t believe that I get to live in Spain and other times I wake up and I think "I’m still in Spain?" Ha. This is such a roller coaster, this is beautiful, messy and everything in between. I look forward to sharing more with you in the months to come! 

Kels Bels

Friday, February 6, 2015

You're so Sweet! // Valentine's sugar scrub.

Is your skin dry and flaky? Do you like giving and receiving handmade gifts? Well then this post is just for you!..... Okay okay, am I sounding like an informercial yet? 
This  sugar scrub recipe is so easy and I use mine at least once a week. And if you ask my loved ones they'll tell you that my skin is silky soft. ;] All you need is; brown sugar, white sugar, english breakfast tea bags, olive oil and essential oil of your choice (optional.) I use lavender oil because I usually use this scrub at night and lavender is known to help you relax and sleep better. You will also need a container. You can buy already empty containers at a craft store but I used an old container from The Body Shop, I just took off the label. 

This recipe isn't an exact science. I simply mix 1 part brown and white sugar to 2 parts oil. I cut open a tea bag and pore the contents in the container and then I drop in 15-20 drops of lavender oil. Simply mix together and your are ready to scrub. 
I also added washi tape to decorate my container and wrote "You're so sweet" on the top. It makes me smile every time I use this scrub. 
I use black tea because it helps keep your skin firm and radiant. 
I usually use this scrub for my face but I also have used it for my lips. (TIP: after I use it on my lips I have to use a good lip moisturizer.) 

This scrub is so great because my skin feels so fresh and clean afterwards. I hope you find this recipe easy and that it helps you replenish your skin during these cold months. Make it for yourself or give it to your girlfriends for Valentine's Day! Or even have a Girls night and y'all can make it together! 
What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Are you going out with your loved one? Staying in? Hangin' with the Gals? Or wearing all black and rebelling against all things red and pink? 
Well Whatever your plans are have fun! 

Monday, January 26, 2015


Yes, I realize New Years Day was nearly a month ago. Yes I realize I have been absent for some time. And yes, I know you missed me. haha. I joke, I joke. But really guys! I can't believe we are already wrapping up January 2015! Wow. 
Right now I'm sitting on my comfy grey Ikea couch and I just finished watching a podcast that my brother shared with me. I know it's "late" to reset for the New Year but oh well. I have so many dreams and goals that I want to complete this Year. So many projects and hobbies I want to learn about, so many recipes I want to create, and work out videos to try. There are so many new countries I want to visit, and restaurants in my neighborhood to explore. There are so many new challenges and practices I want to take on this Year. 
Today I wanted to share some of these things with you. But just like Greg and Gary talked about in the podcast. God changed my plans. He has changed my goals, my dreams, my hopes. 

My New Years Resolution: 
I want to be desperately on my knees seeking God. 
I am so broken with out Christ. 
I want Christ to be the center of my life. 

John 15: 
I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing. 

What is challenging you today? 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December Trilogy // DIY Happy Wrapping

Where has December gone?? I feel like a broken record. Every month around this time everyone is wondering where the month went. Time is a mysterious thing.... Anyway while we all are pondering on where the month went how about some wrapping! Tis the season right? Wrapping is a practical way to get you craftiness on. 
A while back I made these super fab heart shaped brooches and I like to give them as gifts to random lovely ladies for their birthdays or for the holidays. I thought I'd show you how I wrapped this beauty up. I love this wrapping idea because it doesn't scream "Christmas" but it does scream "Happy Freakin' Holidays you cool cat" Am I right? Or am I right?...... 
L E T S   G E T   S T A R T E D
So what you will need for this project is: 
a toilet roll 
paper (I used post-it paper) 
ribben or yarn or string 
and a small gift. 


Once you have cut you toilet roll to the appropriate size (note: you may not need to cut it down if you gift is a little bit larger, like a gift card or something) fold down the sides. See top left picture. You may need to secure the folds with tape. Before you fold down the other side place you gift inside. 
Here comes the fun bit, decorating. So I made a neon fringe for mine but you can do what ever you want in the decorating department. You want to use Christmas colors? Go for it. You want to use fabric or wash tape to decorate? I'm not going to stop you. But if you do want the fringe this photo up above shows you how to get it done. Simply cut you paper with out going to the very end. 
 The last step is to tape or glue you decorations down and add the ribbon to bring in some texture. Voila you now have an adorable lil' gift! I hope you enjoyed this easy DIY project. I know this is a busy season but one thing I love about crafts is it helps me to slow down. Happy Wrapping everyone and I hope you have a great week!